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На підставі даних вам належить робити логічні висновки, формулювати гіпотези та перевіряти їх експериментально....
На підставі даних вам належить робити логічні висновки, формулювати гіпотези та перевіряти їх експериментально....
1 година праці з вакансії java developer коштує від forty до 70 дол. За...
Course | Time | Fees |
Reiki | 12pm -10.30pm (IST) | 150 USD |
Access Consciousness | 12pm -10.30pm (IST) | 150 USD |
ThetaHealing | 12pm -10.30pm (IST) | 150 USD |
Life Scripting | 12pm -10.30pm (IST) | 150 USD |
Date | Course | Time | Fees |
September 10 – 12, 2021 | Theta Healing Basic Online Course | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
September17 – 19, 2021 | Theta Healing Advanced Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
September 25 – 26, 2021 | Theta Healing Dig Deeper Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
October 01 – 03, 2021 | Theta Healing Basic Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
October 08 – 10, 2021 | Theta Healing Advanced Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
October 14 – 15, 2021 | Theta Healing Dig Deeper Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
October 16 – 17, 2021 | Theta Healing You & Creator Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
October 30 – 31, 2021 | Theta Healing Manifestation & Abundance | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
November 04 – 05, 2021 | Theta Healing Soul Mate | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
November 06 – 08, 2021 | Theta Healing Basic Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
November 12 – 14, 2021 | Theta Healing Advanced Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
November 18 – 19, 2021 | Theta Healing Dig Deeper Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
November 20 – 21, 2021 | Theta Healing You & Creator Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
December 02 – 03, 2021 | Theta Healing Manifestation & Abundance | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
December 04 – 06, 2021 | Theta Healing Basic Online | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
December 10 – 12, 2021 | Theta Healing Advanced COurse | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 630 USD |
December 16 – 17, 2021 | Theta healing Dig Deeper | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
December 18 – 19, 2021 | Theta Healing You & Creator | 3pm -10pm (IST) | 530 USD |
Energy & Wellness Therapist
I, Tanveer Dharmajwala, am an energy and wellness therapist and an intuitive healer and teacher/trainer. I have been practicing healing and therapy for over 6 years. I am a Reiki Master, Theta healing Practitioner, Theta Healing Instructor, Access Bars Facilitator and Access Bars, Access Facelift and Access Body Process practitioner. I am also a certified Meditation teacher. I combine energy work with mindfulness, breath work and Dhyaana meditations. I believe that we all have the ability and power to transform our lives with the right tools at the right time. My goal is to help people recognize the obstacles that impede their goals of achieving happiness and well-being and to empower them to effectively and permanently overcome these obstacles. Peace and happiness are the birth right of all beings and can be attained within, irrespective of what goes on outside. I believe in spreading the light of healing and consciousness. I use the skills and knowledge of various techniques to address a wide range of ailments on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, thus allowing people to take back control of their health and well-being.
Wellbeing Advisor
Yasmine Adem is a certified Well being Advisor, Educator, & Practioner. Her practice seeks to tap into each person’s essence, the unbreakable part of themselves where their inner light, power, and potential all lie.
She’s experimented with the beautiful art & science of the body, mind, & spirit for over a decade. Her personal journey into well being made clear that our bodies and we hold an incredible inner ability to heal. While life stressors are many, Wellness she realized begins with the simple choice to live well – emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
She applies a combination of therapies, such as breathework, Thetahealing, lifescripting, meditation and others in her practice to assist clients to clear what holds them back, embrace themselves more deeply, and spark a personal path to living well.
As a life long learner, she is passionate about discovering the wisdom in all things beautiful, meaningful, and timeless. Her work is a reflection of her aspirations to enable and inspire people around the world to live their true potential and live it well…